This scheme covers the following whether indigenous, exotic or cross-bred.
• Milch Cows and Buffaloes
• Calves / Heifers
• Stud Bulls
• Bullocks (Castrated Bulls)
• Castrated Male Buffaloes,
• Animals within a specified age group are accepted under the Standard Insurance Scheme.
• Sum Insured under the policy will be the Market Value of the animal.
• Indemnity under the policy will be the sum insured or market value prior to illness whichever is lesser. The indemnity is limited to 75% of Sum Insured in case of a PTD claim.
• The basic premium rate per annum is 4% of the Sum Insured. Long term policies are also issued with long term discounts.
• The premium rates under the policy are concessional for covering animals under government subsidized schemes.
Group Discounts are also available.
Insurance Coverage :
The policy shall give indemnity for death due to :
• Accident (Inclusive of fire, lightning, flood, inundation, storm, hurricane, earthquake, cyclone, tornado, tempest and famine).
Diseases contracted or occurring during the period of this policy.
• Surgical Operations.
• Riot and Strike.
• The Policy can also be extended to cover PTD on payment of extra premium;
• Permanent Total Disability which, in the case of milch Cattle result in permanent and total incapacity to conceive or yield milk.
• PTD which in the case of Stud Bulls results in permanent and total incapacity for breeding purpose.
• In case of Bullocks, Calves / Heifers and Castrated male buffaloes results in permanent and total incapacity for the purpose of use mentioned in the proposal form.
Major Exclusions
(A) Common Exclusions:
Malicious or wilful injury or neglect, overloading, unskilful treatment or use of animal for purpose other than stated in the policy without the consent of the Company in writing.
Accidents occurring and /or Disease contracted prior to commencement of risk.
• Intentional slaughter of the animal except in cases where destruction is necessary to terminate incurable suffering on humane consideration on the basis of certificate issued by qualified Veterinarian or in cases where destruction is resorted to by the order of lawfully constituted authority.
• Theft and clandestine sale of the insured animal.
• War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, tumult, military or usurped power or any consequences thereof or attempt threat.
• Any accident, loss, destruction, damage or legal liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons.
• Consequential loss of whatsoever nature.
•Transport by air and sea.
• Any non-scheme claim arising due to diseases contracted within 15 days from the date of risk are not covered.
(B) Specific Exclusions:
Pleuropneumonia in respect of Cattle in Lakhimpur and Sibasagar Districts and newly carved out districts out of these two districts of Assam.
• All the claims received without ear tag.
• Documents to Effect Insurance Coverage
• Proposal Form
• Veterinary Health Certificate from a qualified Veterinarian giving the age, identification marks, health, and market value of the animal in the prescribed format.
Identification of Animal
• All insured animals should be suitably identified by natural Identification marks and color should be clearly noted in the proposal form and Veterinarian's Report.
• Ear tags made of suitable material are applied to the ear of the animals and the code number is entered into the Veterinary Health Certificate.
• Photographs of animals may be insisted in case of high value animal.
Claim Procedure
In the event of death of an animal, immediate intimation should be sent to the Insurers and the following requirements should be furnished:
Duly completed claim form.
• Death Certificate obtained from qualified Veterinarian on Company's form.
• Post-mortem examination report if required by the Company.
• Ear Tag applied to the animal should be surrendered. The condition of' No Tag- No claim' will be applied if the tag is not surrendered..
Photocopy of insurance policy
Evidence of SC certificate
Pass book /cancelled cheque of the bank account where the claim amount has to be paid
Claim Procedure For PTD Claim
• A certificate from the qualified Veterinarian to be obtained.
• The animal will be inspected by the company's Veterinary Officer also.
• Complete chart of treatment, medicines used, receipts, etc., should be submitted.
• Admissibility of claim will be considered after two months of Veterinary Doctor / Company Doctor's report.
• The indemnity is limited to 75% of Sum Insured.
About the scheme
The Livestock Insurance Scheme, a centrally sponsored scheme was implemented on a pilot basis during 2005-06 and 2006-07 of the 10th Five Year Plan and 2007-08 of the 11th Five Year Plan in 100 selected districts. The scheme was later implemented on a regular basis from 2008-09 in 100 newly selected districts of the country. The scheme was later subsumed as a component titled Risk Management and Insurance under the sub-mission on livestock development of National Livestock Mission.
The component aims at management of risk and uncertainties by providing protection mechanism to the farmers against any eventual loss of their animals due to death and to demonstrate the benefit of the insurance of livestock to the people.
The scheme is implemented in all the districts of the Country from 21.05.2014.
Animals covered
The indigenous / crossbred milch animals, pack animals (Horses, Donkey, Mules, Camels, Ponies and Cattle/Buffalo Male) , and Other Livestock (Goat, Sheep, Pigs, Rabbit, Yak and Mithun etc.) are covered under the purview of this component. Central assistance units ( one cattle unit is equal to 1 animals) Benefit of subsidy is to be restricted to 5 cattle units ( one cattle unit is equal to 1 animals) per beneficiary per household for all animals except sheep, goat, pig and rabbit. In case of sheep, goat, pig and rabbit the benefit of subsidy is to be restricted based on "Cattle Unit" and one cattle unit is equal to 10 animals i.e a total of 50 animals. If a beneficiary has less than 5 animals / 1 Cattle Unit, s/he can also avail the benefit of subsidy.
Central assistance
Benefit of subsidy is to be restricted to 5 cattle units (one cattle unit is equal to 1 animal) per beneficiary per household for all animals except sheep, goat, pig and rabbit. In case of sheep, goat, pig and rabbit the benefit of subsidy is to be restricted based on "Cattle Unit" and one cattle unit is equal to 10 animals i.e a total of 50 animals. If a beneficiary has less than 5 animals / 1 Cattle Unit, s/he can also avail the benefit of subsidy.
An animal will be insured for its current market price. The market price of the animal to be insured will be assessed jointly by the beneficiary and the insurance company preferably in the presence of the Veterinary officer. The minimum value of animal should be assessed by taking Rs.3000 per litre per day yield of milk or as per the price prevailing in the local market (declared by Government) for cow and Rs.4000 per litre per day yield of milk or as prevailing in the local market (declared by Government) for buffalo. The market price of pack animals (Horses, Donkey, Mules, Camels, Ponies and Cattle/Buff. Male) and Other livestock (Goat, Sheep, Pigs, Rabbit, Yak and Mithun) are to be assessed by negotiation jointly by owner of animal and by insurance company in the presence of veterinarians Doctor.
The animal insured will have to be properly and uniquely identified at the time of insurance claim. The ear tagging should, therefore, be full proof as far as possible. The traditional method of ear tagging or the recent technology of fixing microchips could be used at the time of taking the policy. While processing an insurance proposal, one photograph of the animal with the Owner and one photograph of the animal clearly with the EAR TAG visible shall be taken at the time of processing the insurance documentation. In case of sale of the animal or otherwise transfer of animal from one owner to other, before expiry of the Insurance Policy, the authority of beneficiary for the remaining period of policy will have to be transferred to the new owner.
Only four documents would be required by insurance companies for settling the claims viz. intimation with the Insurance Company, Insurance Policy paper, Claim Form and Post mortem Report.
Private Dairy Livestock (Cattle) Insurance
We Cover
All indigenous/cross breed/exotic animals in the prescribed age groups duly fixing the value and certifying the health of the proposed animal by a qualified Veterinary Doctor.
Who can be insured ?
Animal owners / private dairies / cooperative dairies / NDDB owned dairies.
Insured against What Risks ?
Death due to accidents including fire lightning flood and cyclone or disease contracted or occurred during the currency of the policy period. Permanent Total Disability due to total incapacity to conceive or yield milk by paying extra premium.