This is a package policy specially designed for small shopkeepers. It is a single policy combining the various insurance requirements of shopkeepers.
In case of any incident giving rise to a claim under this policy, please take the following steps:
1. Take necessary steps to minimize the loss/damage.
2. In case of fire, inform fire brigade immediately.
3. In case of theft, larceny or burglary inform the police immediately along with a list of items stolen and their approximate value.
4. Inform insurance company by phone or fax and in writing.
5. Extend full co-operation to the surveyor appointed by the insurance Co. and provide necessary documents to substantiate the loss. A claim form issued by the company is also to be submitted.
6. In case any rights of recovery exist against any other party responsible for the loss, your rights of recovery have to be subrogated to the insurance company on payment of claim.
1. What is Shopkeeper Insurance for?
This is a package policy specially designed for small shopkeepers. It is a single policy combining the various insurance requirements of shopkeepers.
2. Who can take the Shopkeeper Insurance?
This policy can be taken by small shopkeepers whose shop building value and contents value does not exceed INR 10 lacs. In case it exceeds INR 10 lacs, this policy cannot be given.
3. What all risks are covered under the policy?
The policy consists of 11 Sections:
o Section I - Building & Contents
o Section II - Burglary & Housebreaking
o Section III - Money Insurance
o Section IV - Pedal - Cycles
o Section V - Plate Glass
o Section VI - Neon Sign/Glow Sign
o Section VII - Baggage
o Section VIII - Personal Accident
o Section IX - Fidelity Guarantee
o Section X - Public Liability
o Section XI - Loss of Profit
4. What should be included under the policy cover?
The shop building should be insured on market value basis i.e. depreciated value basis. The contents should be insured on cost price basis. The sum insured for contents under Section I & II should be identical. The sum insured under Sections III, V, VI, VII, IX, X & XI is limited to specified percentage of the sum insured for contents.
5. Can I opt out of any sections covered under the policy?
It is necessary to opt for a minimum of 4 sections for this policy to be issued of which Sections I & II are compulsory.
6. Can I opt for 'Loss of profit' (Sec-12) section without taking Sec 1 & 2?
No, insured has to take Section I & II for the LOP section coverage.